第一天- 07/20/09 (Monday)

children from 1st grade to 6th grade. The first day had the usual bit of
surprises, technical difficulties and other issues, but the 50 children
were able to learn a bit and things didn't break down into total chaos.
We discussed afterwards regarding how to break the large group up into
smaller groups so that all the various helpers can interact with the children
more. Pastor Fan from the EMei church brought over several more young people
a room with an echo presents many problems if the children start speaking
when they aren't supposed to. Pray that we would be better at managing
this, and that the Lord will assist in maintaining control!
The students are checking out the new teachers. They say they are fully
prepared because they have been watching Sesame Street. We decided to hold
on the Biblical Greek verb tense lecture.
Our main goal was to talk about Jesus and teach some English. We are still
getting the team together. May the Lord grant us an effective time here.
The kids also deduced immediately that I was American. I asked them how
they did this. They explained that it is because I have a long nose and
all long nose people are Americans!


A few of the children have made the church their

up here at 8:00am and stay around until 7 or 8pm. Thanks to thiis, we have
plenty of opportunities to interact with them outside of the VBS time.
They were hanging on Matt, gaping at Daniel and speaking gibberish to Scott!
The language barrier doesn't seem to have been any significant obstacle.
When the college kids weren't busy, they were preparing skits and songs
to perform for the kids.


about Jesus.
第二天- 07/21/09 (Tuesday)

to the proceedings and we were able to divide up into different small groups
to spend some time with the children. The team here was started by Home
of Christ in Newark, but we were joined by several from Home of Christ in

We are doing last minute preparations while struggling with adjusting to
the heat and humidity.
The left side is Jennifer Yang, Janice Wu, Daniel
Stillman, Edward Wang, Alan Yang, Matt Neilson, and Scott Williams. The right
side is Douglas Stillman, Esther Lai, pastor John Lai, and Steven Wong.
Thankfully the Lord has allowed us to form a team from a wide variety of
ages and backgrounds. May we continue to improve our cooperation with each
other. The Lord has helped us to adjust somewhat to the change of weather
and time.


Our concern for prayer now is mainly to continue to improve the effectiveness
of the teaching, while starting to establish a relationship with the children,

Next week we are told that there will be 180 children all going into either
7th or 8th grade. This sounds scary, but we are told that there will be
organizers who maintain strict military discipline.

下個星期﹐ 我們會有180名要升上七年級或八年級的國中生。 聽起來有點嚇人﹐但

Regarding the local church here in Zhudong, this is one that needs our prayers
to the Lord to help them as they take on so many challenges. The local
community has a large number of foreign wives coming from places like Vietnam

This church is known for its community service, but this is a vast undertaking
for such a small church. Pray that God will grant more workers to assist
Pastor Zhuo and his wife as they try to do what the Lord has called them
to do.
"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for
us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim
the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim
it clearly, as I should." - Colossians 4:2-4
你們要恆切禱告﹐在此儆醒感恩﹔也要為我們禱告﹐求 神給我們開傳道的門﹐能以
講基督的奧秘﹐ (我為此被困鎖﹐)叫我按著所該說的話﹐將這奧秘發明出來。
第三天- 07/22/09 (Wednesday)
For those who prefer to read the mission updates in Chinese, Angie Stillmanwill be posting them and translating them online at:
This also includes a few corrections and additions.

The Lord has certainly answered our prayers to have a more orderly presentation
of Bible stories and songs. We had some good small group time with the older

5th and 6th graders where we learned a lot about their knowledge of the
gospel. Many of the children have already made decisions to accept Jesus
as their savior. The Zhudong church has certainly been teaching the Bible.

inspiration to the children. Our last two lesson plans were on serving
and obeying, so we hope to talk about the need to continue as an active
part of the Heavenly Kingdom as we grow older and life takes us to our different destinations. Pray that we will be able to clearly teach this message and challenge the children, and that God will use them in wonderful ways that we can never imagine.
另外﹐ 我們還有一項特別任務﹐要多提供教導和啟發孩童。我們上兩課教導服事和
服從﹐所以希望當我們的年紀增長﹐ 人生各有不同的目的地時﹐ 我們仍然要繼續
Here are a few more images:

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