too short. Before continuing on, we need to first ask for prayers for Esther
Lai and Scott Williams. Esther has caught the flu and lost her voice.
Scott is not feeling well and all we can determine for the moment is that
he is having a hard time adjusting to all the various things here at the

same time: Hot, humid weather, time changes, a new diet, and perhaps playing
too hard with the kids after the VBS program. Pray for both of them because
they have been such important members of our team and we really want to
see them up to 100%, both to bring joy to the children and so that they
too can have joy from their service here.
只剩一天和這些令人驚嘆的孩子相處。時間實在是太短了﹗在說下去之前﹐ 我們要

先為黎師母和史考克禱告。黎師母感冒失聲。至於史考克﹐ 我們都認為他一下子很
請為我們禱告﹕因為黎師母和史考克是我們短宣隊的重要成員﹐ 他們百分之百的康

The last revision to the numbers was 160 students, which is certainly still
beyond comprehension. Between us and the EMei church helpers, we have the
right numbers to make classes of 20, but are we the right team to lead this

classes to break down while others succeed and this job is looking to be
more than we had originally anticipated. Some of our helpers don't know
Chinese, while the EMei helpers don't know English making it impractical
to form certain pairs to lead a class. Our God is faithful and can do amazing
things, so we must seek Him for this.


groups. We had a very smooth time today with the teaching.

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