Friday, July 31, 2009
The Reflection from Mrs. Lai 台灣短宣感言-黎師母


students who I knew from last year. To my regret, I forgot to bring the
handbook which has all the information I need with me. On the first two
days while we were in Beipu, I tried to look through the faces across

but the one I particularly looking for was lost in the woods. On the third
day morning, when I almost gave up the hope, God amazingly granted me a
precious gift. A boy was announced to perform a solo harmonica, and HE

Why is he so special? Last year when
we first met, his kind heart of asking me to bury a dead bird with him
really touched me. I also shared 4 spiritual laws with him. I promised
to mail a copy of English/Chinese copy of the 4 spiritual

I didn't fulfill the promise until this trip. When he came down from the
stage, I ran over to
him and asked if he remembered me. He responded with a sweetest childlike

4 spiritual laws to him. We hugged and shared a couple words before he had
to leave for his class.....

Thanks the Lord; He knows how little faith I have. He rewarded me with something
I didn't deserve. Praise His Name.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Faces of Taiwan 各種面孔
Most of my photography has been plants, animals, mountains, and other nature
shots. With the telephoto lens, it is possible to photograph people from
a distance with them unaware, and it became apparent that one of the most
interesting subjects for photographers is the human face. Among the creatures

that I know of. Perhaps this has something to do with verses like this:
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
" - Numbers 6:24-26
A relative is waiting on a scooter to take a child home after school.
Junior high boys seem harder to photograph than the girls. My current theory
is that most of the time the guys are being silly and teasing each other
so that I don't much care for the expression. This was not one of those
I think this young lady is suspicious of my camera.
the camera keeps searching for a victim and it is getting faster as it practices.
pushed, but she and her friends had a lot of fun looking at the pictures
immediately afterward. It was a good way to establish friendships.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Heroism 英雄論

Having spent six years teaching Sunday School to junior high school kids,
I have the greatest respect for the teachers who choose to spend a career
with them. At this age, the kids seem to have all of the vices of both young
children and teenagers, while not yet having developed any of the virtues
of adulthood. Can there be a more difficult age group? In Taiwan, discipline
is a bit easier, but still a challenge.

For the junior high teacher, however, things are different. They live on
the edge of defeat by their children, but to consider the children as "enemy"
would be an admission of failure. No, these children are the next generation.

nor conquest are options. Instead, we must persist in teaching those who
struggle to pay attention. Thankfully the children do learn and grow in
maturity, although the teacher may never see this.
The junior high school
teachers I had as a child made a positive impact on me, yet I can't even
remember their names. Could there be a tougher and more important job?

of the children. Other times, they relax and smile as our college kids provide
some entertainment for the children. This one is trying to grab a little
time to grade papers during a spare moment.
Heading for Kaohsiung ...前往高雄。。。
Taiwan Mission-Bei Pu Jr. High台灣短宣-北埔國中(三)
第八天- 07/29/09 (Wednesday)
Today a few tears were shed as we were departing the church
the final time. There were many friends made and we will miss each other.

Some of the Taiwan Mission Team members are rumored to be claiming that

played an important part and we all felt it each time a team member was

God deliberately brought together a very
broad team in terms of our ages, backgrounds, experiences and talents to
make this happen, and this included many helpers from the local churches.
The last day was a struggle as it has been, but there were also several
high points.

The first attached picture is where the EMei church helpers
cleverly chose a few of the junior high school children to join in the dancing
with the college team.

Then there were the skits as the children acted out the story of Esther.
The second attached picture is where Haman is begging Esther for his life.

the EMei church team, the Beipu church team, our HOC6 group, and the teachers
from the Beipu Junior High School. The principal from the high school is
at the upper left.

Give thanks to God that he has put it into the heart of these school leaders
to make this happen. We also showed part of a Jesus movie including a clear
presentation of the gospel message of salvation through Jesus. May the

for the Zhudong and EMei church in the past, but the Beipu church is the
one where the children live and we pray that they too will be able to continue
to follow up with these Junior High children after we leave. Please remember
all three of these churches as we have opportunities to pray.
We will continue gathering pictures and posting stories at the website:

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