Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ZhuDong Church Pictures竹東教會的照片專輯

Please click the following link to enjoy 498 pictures at Zhudong Church.

BeiPu Jr. High Pictures北埔國中的照片專輯

Please click the following link to enjoy 410 pictures at BeiPu Jr. High School.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fun Moments Picture Movie 短宣的輕鬆片段

This is the last of the three picture movies made for the Taiwan mission
which reflects some of the fun moments.
Be sure and turn your sound on.


Picture Movie at BeiPu Jr. High 北埔國中的短片

Here is a picture movie of the second week at BeiPu.
Be sure and turn your sound on.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Picture Movie at ZhuDong 竹東教會的短片

Here is a picture movie of the first week at Zhudong.

Be sure and turn your sound on. This has a sound track of some pop-Taiwanese
Christian music.



Pray for HOC3 at Chiayi Too! 請為在嘉義短宣的第三家禱告

Dear All,

We are sorry that it is so late that we are posting our first, and
perhaps last, update about our missions trip here in Chiayi.

I (M) was perhaps too ambitious to set up a google group without having
ever done so. But thank you nonetheless for remembering us in your prayers.

God has been gracious to us and has brought us through Tues to Sat
night, and our missions trip will end tomorrow as we lead the Taibao

church in Sunday morning worship.

We had a few scattered ailments (Bessie's arm, Shihya's sore throat) among
us over the days, but nothing major, and all better by now.

Praise the Lord. We had some concerns that our planned programs might not "go as planned," i.e. timing too loose, run out of things to say, etc.,
but God graciously smiled on our plans and incorporated them into his.

Only one unexpected event-- a power outage during the second day of VBS--
ended up OK, so that we were able to conclude the day's activities outdoors.

Today (sat) we spent an afternoon and evening with youth from Taibao
and 2 other neighboring churches. We were not sure how our "discussion
groups" would go, but they went smoothly, and were able to get to make
a little more connection with individuals.
Prayer requests-- that the VBS families that we visited on Friday
would be led to attend church tomorrow. James will give the message
tomorrow, Shihya will share her testimony.
May the Lord
establish the
works we wish to offer.

Thanks for reading and supporting.
